Canto 12: The Age of DeteriorationChapter 3: The Bhūmi-gītā

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 12.3.7

mat-kṛte pitṛ-putrāṇāḿ

bhrātṛṇāḿ cāpi vigrahaḥ

jāyate hy asatāḿ rājye



mat-kṛte — for the sake of me; pitṛ-putrāṇām — between fathers and sons; bhrātṛṇām — among brothers; ca — and; api — also; vigrahaḥ — conflict; jāyate — arises; hi — indeed; asatām — among the materialistic; rājye — for political rule; mamatā — by the sense of possession; baddha — bound up; cetasām — whose hearts.


"For the sake of conquering me, materialistic persons fight one another. Fathers oppose their sons, and brothers fight one another, because their hearts are bound to possessing political power.

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