Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 16: King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.16.16

kālindyāḿ vidhivat snātvā


maunena saḿyata-prāṇo

brahma-putrāv avandata


kālindyāmin the River Yamunā; vidhi-vat — according to prescribed regulations; snātvā — bathing; kṛta — performing; puṇya — pious; jala-kriyaḥ — oblations by offering water; maunena — with gravity; saḿyata-prāṇaḥ — controlling the mind and senses; brahma-putrau — unto the two sons of Lord Brahmā (Ańgirā and Nārada); avandata — offered his prayers and obeisances.


The King bathed in the water of the Yamunā, and according to prescribed duties, he offered oblations of water to the forefathers and demigods. Very gravely controlling his senses and mind, he then offered his respects and obeisances to the sons of Lord Brahmā [Ańgirā and Nārada].

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