Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 17: Mother Pārvatī Curses Citraketu

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.17.13

eṣām anudhyeya-padābja-yugmaḿ

jagad-guruḿ mańgala-mańgalaḿ svayam

yaḥ kṣatra-bandhuḥ paribhūya sūrīn

praśāsti dhṛṣṭas tad ayaḿ hi daṇḍyaḥ


eṣām — of all these (exalted personalities); anudhyeyato be constantly meditated upon; pada-abja-yugmam — whose two lotus feet; jagat-gurum — the spiritual master of the whole world; mańgala-mańgalam — personification of the topmost religious principle; svayam — himself; yaḥhe who; kṣatra-bandhuḥ — the lowest of the kṣatriyas; paribhūya — overriding; sūrīn — the demigods (like Brahmā and the others); praśāsti — chastises; dhṛṣṭaḥ — impudent; tat — therefore; ayam — this person; hi — indeed; daṇḍyaḥto be punished.


This Citraketu is the lowest of kṣatriyas, for he has impudently overridden Brahmā and the other demigods by insulting Lord Śiva, upon whose lotus feet they always meditate. Lord Śiva is personified religion and the spiritual master of the entire world, and therefore Citraketu must be punished.


All the members of the assembly were exalted brāhmaṇas and self-realized souls, but they did not say anything about the conduct of Lord Śiva, who was embracing the goddess Pārvatī on his lap. Citraketu nonetheless criticized Lord Śiva, and therefore the opinion of Pārvatī was that he should be punished.

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