Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 3: Yamarāja Instructs His Messengers

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.3.34

itthaḿ svabhartṛ-gaditaḿ bhagavan-mahitvaḿ

saḿsmṛtya vismita-dhiyo yama-kińkarās te

naivācyutāśraya-janaḿ pratiśańkamānā

draṣṭuḿ ca bibhyati tataḥ prabhṛti sma rājan


ittham — of such power; sva-bhartṛ-gaditam — explained by their master (Yamarāja); bhagavat-mahitvam — the extraordinary glory of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His name, fame, form and attributes; saḿsmṛtya — remembering; vismita-dhiyaḥ — whose minds were struck with wonder; yama-kińkarāḥ — all the servants of Yamarāja; te — they; na — not; eva — indeed; acyuta-āśraya-janama person sheltered by the lotus feet of Acyuta, Lord Kṛṣṇa; pratiśańkamānāḥ — always fearing; draṣṭumto see; ca — and; bibhyati — they are afraid; tataḥ prabhṛti — beginning from then; sma — indeed; rājanO King.


After hearing from the mouth of their master about the extraordinary glories of the Lord and His name, fame and attributes, the Yamadūtas were struck with wonder. Since then, as soon as they see a devotee, they fear him and dare not look at him again.


Since this incident, the Yamadūtas have given up the dangerous behavior of approaching devotees. For the Yamadūtas, a devotee is dangerous.

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