Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 9: Appearance of the Demon Vṛtrāsura

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.9.24

purā svayambhūr api saḿyamāmbhasy

udīrṇa-vātormi-ravaiḥ karāle

eko 'ravindāt patitas tatāra

tasmād bhayād yena sa no 'stu pāraḥ


purā — formerly (during the time of creation); svayambhūḥ — Lord Brahmā; api — also; saḿyama-ambhasiin the water of inundation; udīrṇa — very high; vāta — of wind; ūrmi — and of waves; ravaiḥ — by the sounds; karāle — very fearful; ekaḥ — alone; aravindāt — from the lotus seat; patitaḥ — almost fallen; tatāra — escaped; tasmāt — from that; bhayāt — fearful situation; yena — by whom (the Lord); saḥHe; naḥ — of us; astu — let there be; pāraḥ — deliverance.


In the beginning of creation, a tremendous wind caused fierce waves of inundating water. The great waves made such a horrible sound that Lord Brahmā almost fell from his seat on the lotus into the water of devastation, but he was saved with the help of the Lord. Thus we also expect the Lord to protect us from this dangerous condition.

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