Canto 8: Withdrawal of the Cosmic CreationsChapter 23: The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 8.23.7


brahmādayaḥ śaraṇadāśnuvate vibhūtīḥ

kasmād vayaḿ kusṛtayaḥ khala-yonayas te

dākṣiṇya-dṛṣṭi-padavīḿ bhavataḥ praṇītāḥ


yat — of whom; pāda-padma — of the lotus flower of the feet; makaranda — of the honey; niṣevaṇena — by tasting the sweetness of rendering service; brahma-ādayaḥ — great personalities like Lord Brahmā; śaraṇa-daO my Lord, supreme shelter of everyone; aśnuvate — enjoy; vibhūtīḥ — benedictions given by You; kasmāt — how; vayam — we; ku-sṛtayaḥ — all the rogues and thieves; khala-yonayaḥ — born of an envious dynasty, namely that of the demons; te — those asuras; dākṣiṇya-dṛṣṭi-padavīm — the position bestowed by the merciful glance; bhavataḥ — of Your Lordship; praṇītāḥ — have achieved.


O supreme shelter of everyone, great personalities like Brahmā enjoy their perfection simply by tasting the honey of rendering service at Your lotus feet. But as for us, who are all rogues and debauchees born of an envious family of demons, how have we received Your mercy? It has been possible only because Your mercy is causeless.

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