Antya-līlāChapter 5: How Pradyumna Miśra Received Instructions from Rāmānanda Rāya

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrī Caitanya Caritāmṛta Antya 5.35-36

"āmi ta' sannyāsī, āpanāre virakta kari' māni

darśana rahu dūre, 'prakṛtira' nāma yadi śuni

tabahiń vikāra pāya mora tanu-mana

prakṛti-darśane sthira haya kon jana?"


āmiI; ta' — certainly; sannyāsīin the renounced order of life; āpanāre — Myself; virakta kari' — having renounced everything; māniI consider; darśana rahu dūre — what to speak of seeing; prakṛtira — of a woman; nāmaname; yadi — if; śuniI hear; tabahiń — immediately; vikāra — transformation; pāya — gets; mora — My; tanu-mana — mind and body; prakṛti-darśane — by seeing a woman; sthira — steady; haya — is; kon jana — what person.


"I am a sannyāsī," He said, "and I certainly consider Myself renounced. But what to speak of seeing a woman, if I even hear the name of a woman, I feel changes in My mind and body. Therefore who could remain unmoved by the sight of a woman? It is very difficult.

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