Canto 10: The Summum BonumChapter 52: Rukmiṇī's Message to Lord Kṛṣṇa

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 10.52.43

yasyāńghri-pańkaja-rajaḥ-snapanaḿ mahānto

vāñchanty umā-patir ivātma-tamo-'pahatyai

yarhy ambujākṣa na labheya bhavat-prasādaḿ

jahyām asūn vrata-kṛśān śata-janmabhiḥ syāt


yasya — whose; ańghri — of the feet; pańkaja — lotus; rajaḥ — with the dust; snapanam — bathing; mahāntaḥ — great souls; vāñchanti — hanker after; umā-patiḥ — Lord Śiva, husband of Goddess Umā; iva — just as; ātma — their own; tamaḥ — of the ignorance; apahatyaito vanquish; yarhi — when; ambuja-akṣaO lotus-eyed one; na labheyaI cannot obtain; bhavat — Your; prasādam — mercy; jahyāmI should give up; asūn — my life airs; vrata — by austere penances; kṛśān — weakened; śata — hundreds; janmabhiḥ — after lifetimes; syātit may be.


O lotus-eyed one, great souls like Lord Śiva hanker to bathe in the dust of Your lotus feet and thereby destroy their ignorance. If I cannot obtain Your mercy, I shall simply give up my vital force, which will have become weak from the severe penances I will perform. Then, after hundreds of lifetimes of endeavor, I may obtain Your mercy.


The divine Rukmiṇī's extraordinary dedication to Śrī Kṛṣṇa is possible only on the spiritual platform, not in the fragile world of mundane affection.

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